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Remote Team Building Activities

Mar 16, 2020
Last Updated:
Aug 28, 2023
Roberto Teixeira
Engaged worker playes remote smart phone team building activity

The current COVID-19 crisis compelled many companies around the world to abruptly send their workers home and adopt remote work models. There are several tools to enable people to work and collaborate remotely. You can make videoconferences using Skype or Zoom, chat in Slack, and so on.

But what about the emotional connection that employees form over water-cooler chats and coffee breaks?

What about people that are not used to work remotely? How to break the ice of being at your home, not in the best of the situations, talking to your coworkers through your blurry laptop cam? 

The physical distance of remote work can quickly turn into an emotional distance, leaving employees feeling undervalued. It makes it even harder for team members to contribute effectively. Teams that have a sense of well-being, and take time to have fun together have better performances, that is why team-building is such a valuable tool. 

What is virtual team building?

It works just like regular team building, except participants are not in the same physical space. Using mooveTEAM, participants download the app to their smartphones, and all interactions occur through the application. They can play ice break exercises, trivia games, and even scavenger hunts remotely. 

Why organize virtual team building activities?

Isolation is a downside of remote work. It can lead to disengagement, and consequently poor performance on the job. Team building activities help your team to form social bonds, combat loneliness, and improve communication on a tactical level. 

How does it work in practice?

Each type of team requires different kinds of team building activities. They can be in real-time or asynchronous, just for fun or with the dual purpose of building social bonds while improving the way you work, one-hit-wonder, or on a regular base. Choosing the right one for your team will depend on the aspects you want to improve.

The remote team building activities you can do with mooveTEAM includes:

1. Icebreakers

Icebreakers are a great way to lead team members into the bonding experience without feeling embarrassed or insecure. You can start with surface questions, and dig deeper as participants feel more comfortable. They are great to use before a long meeting where employees need to be fully engaged.

2. Trivia games 

Competitive trivia games are an amazing way to generate fun and relaxing moments. Coworkers solve several multiple-choice questions and earn points for the right answers. Alliances can be made to make the game more team-oriented.

3. Photo/video challenge

This game invites participants to share photos and videos that are rated in real-time by the staff. Participants can see the scoreboard and shared content.

All these games can be used in the same activity or separately. It depends on the objectives you are trying to achieve. 

Want to know more about mooveTEAM remote team building activities? Send us a message and we will be happy to help you. 

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