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Clash of Europe

Every country has its own interests, its own agenda ..... No one can be trusted on the world stage. Three superpowers: America, Russia and China are today given the opportunity to take over strategic points in Europe. This time, no force needs to be used in the takeover, just pure knowledge. Knowledge is power, especially during this clash.
English, Dutch
2.5 Hours

Every country has its own interests, its own agenda ….. No one can be trusted on the world stage. Three superpowers: America, Russia and China are today given the opportunity to take over strategic points in Europe. This time, no force needs to be used in the takeover, just pure knowledge. Knowledge is power, especially during this clash.

Every team of superpowers competes against each other in the Clash of Europe. They all want to get the biggest share of this commercially interesting continent, but who will conquer the most kilometers?

Team dynamics

The game is played in teams of 6 to 8 people. Each team is divided into different sub-teams of 2, 3 or 4 people. The layout within this program is quite flexible and is entirely up to you.

The game is played in the environment of one location. Each subteam walks through the environment with a (own) device and all assignments are only activated when they are present at a location. This requires more communication between the sub-teams of a team, because you have to deal with routes and walking distances, see game content.

The aim of the game is to conquer European countries! As always, this war can be waged in many different ways. Do you stay together as a people / team? Or do you choose to split up and get back together at a later point in an agreed place?

These tactical and strategic choices determine whether you are making a rapid advance or whether valuable time is being lost in the acquisition of a territory. Areas can be conquered through knowledge questions and riddles about the respective countries. In addition, there are a number of fun and matching challenges, for fun. One area is easier than the other and some areas can only be conquered once. This means that team building is necessary in this hellish battle. An example of this is that if a crucial assignment is not correctly executed by subteam 1, it can (still) be answered by subteam 2.

Additional team building: Some of the missions required to capture an area are “locked” and can only be opened by an object, such as a cannon. A quick way must be found to get this object to the site as soon as possible.

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